READ & RHYME Loading Procedures (1) Kickstart 1.2 is required. Insert Kickstart v1.2 into your Amiga's disk drive and turn on your computer and monitor. (2) When the computer asks for Workbench insert the Read & Rhyme program disk. DO NOT INSERT THE WORKBENCH DISK AS THAT IS INCLUDED WITH THE READ & RHYME PROGRAM DISK. The program will boot automatically. The title, credit and Main Menu screens will appear. "THE DISK IS ACCESSED BY THE COMPUTER DURING ENTIRE USE OF THE PROGRAM. DO NOT REMOVE IT FROM THE DRIVE WHILE THE PROGRAM IS BEING USED. ALWAYS USE THE LEFT MOUSE BUTTON Pressing the ESC key when the computer is waiting for an answer allows you to escape from any of the modules back to the Main Menu. The Main Menu Use the mouse to move the arrow icon to indicate the program module of your choice. The module selected will change in color from blue to deep pink. Click the mouse button to continue. Please note that if the mouse button is clicked before you select one of the four modules, control will be returned to the desktop and you will have to reload Read & Rhyme by typing rr when the 1 appears in the CLI environment. Rhyming Rockets Setting the Parameters Use the mouse to move the arrow icon to the name option. Click the mouse button, type in your name, and Press the RETURN KEY. If a name is not entered, the program will default to "Player 1". Next, select either level 1 or level 2 by moving the arrow icon to the desired level and clicking. Your choice will be indicated by a pink color. When the name and level are set, move the arrow icon to the OK Box and click to proceed. Playing Rhyming Rockets The object of this module is to find which of the three words doesn't rhyme with the other two. Choose the word that doesn't rhyme by moving the fire appearing under the rocket to the rocket that points to the correct word. You may use the mouse or the keyboard to move. USING THE MOUSE - Move the arrow icon to the rocket pointing to the correct word and click. USING THE KEYBOARD - The spacebar will move the fire from rocket to rocket. Press Return to select. "NOTE: During each particular set of questions use either mouse or keyboard. If your choice is correct the rocket will blast off. If your choice is incorrect, a second try will be permitted. The fire must be moved from the original incorrect answer to a different choice before play can continue. The correct answer will then be displayed. Press a key to continue. The score will be displayed after ten problems. Flying Saucer Setting the Parameters Choose 1 or 2 players. Enter names and select levels as in the Rhyming Rockets module. Playing Flying Saucer The object of Flying Saucer is to choose the word that best completes the sentence appearing on the bottom of the screen. You may use the mouse or keyboard to move. Click the mouse or press any key to continue after "Which word completes the sentence?" is spoken. USING THE MOUSE - Clicking the button will cause the flying saucer to move from planet to planet. When the saucer appears on the planet containing the correct word. Press the RETURN key. USING THE KEYBOARD - Press the spacebar to move from planet to planet and RETURN to register the answer. If an answer is incorrect, the correct answer will be displayed. Press any key or click the mouse to continue. Alpha Blast Setting the Parameters Enter the name and select desired level as in the other modules. Level 1 contains 1st grade words while level 2 contains 2nd and 3rd grade words. Playing Alpha Blast The object of Alpha Blast is to alphabetize a list of ten words. The words to be alphabetized appear on the left of the screen. You will be asked which word comes first, second, third, etc. Use the mouse to move the arrow icon to highlight the word of your choice and click the mouse to register your answer. Once the list has been alphabetized correctly, the rocket will blast off. Rhyming Challenge Setting the Parameters Choose the number of players. Enter their names and desired levels as explained before. Special Options to Remember During Play Pressing the Period Key (.) will permit a player to pass in a tw o-player game. Pressing Shift and ? simultaneously will let you choose which word you wish to use as your main word. Pressing the DEL key will permit the word the computer couldn't find in its data base, to be counted as correct. Pressing ESC will permit you to quit and return to the Main Menu when the computer is waiting for an answer. Playing Rhyming Challenge The computer will challenge you to make a specific number of words that rhyme with the word it chooses. If you wish to play with a different word than the one originally chosen by the computer, press Shift and ? simultaneously. You may do this repeatedly until you get the word with which you wish to play. You must type in the words you can think of that rhyme with the one appearing on the bottom of the screen. Press RETURN after each word and then any key to continue. The computer will permit the players as many turns as the number of words that it has challenged you to make, after which the score will be displayed. "IMPORTANT NOTE" - The OVERRIDE OPTION - Occasionally, a word might be counted as incorrect, when in fact it really does rhyme, due to an omission in the computer's data base or different regional accents. Pressing the DEL Key will result in the computer's counting the word as correct even though it previously said the word was not in its data base. READ & RHYME DATA Rhyming Rockets The words used for Rhyming Rockets include all three and four letter words listed below in the Rhyming Challenge words. Alpha Blast Level 1 words are based on first grade curriculum and level 2 words are based on second and third grade curriculums. Rhyming Challenge. Level 1 Words Group 1:,bat, brat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, tat, vat, chat, flat, scat, slat, that. Group 2: ate, deflate, eight, freight, grate, inflate, krait, pate, plait, plate, prate, sate, skate, slate, spate, straight, trait, bait, date, fate, gate, gait, hate, late, mate, rate, wait. Group 3: bran, flan, pecan, span,.an, ban, can, clan, fan, man, pan, plan, ran, scan, tan, than, van. Group 4: alphabet, bayonet, cigarette, debt, fret, regret, ret, stet, sweat, vet, jet, bet, get, let, met, net, pet, set, wet, yet. Group 5: begun, dun, none, pun, shun, spun, stun, tun, bun, done, fun, gun, nun, one, run, sun, ton, won. Group 6: allot, blot, clot, forgot, plot, squat, taut, watt, yacht,cot, dot, got, hot, jot, knot, lot, not, plot, pot, rot, shot, slot, sot, spot, swat, tot, trot. Group 7: belle, dell, dwell, expel, inpel, knell, quell, repel, shell, smell, spell, swell, bell, cell, fell, sell, tell, well, yell, get. Group 8: bleed, breed, cede, creed, excede, freed, greed, knead, mead, meed, plead, speed, steed, teed, tweed,, bead, deed, feed, heed lead, mead, need, read, reed, seed, weed. Group 9: byte, flight, knight, light, might, night, quite, right, sight, smite, spit, tight, trite, white, write, bite, cite, kite, mite, rite, site. Group 10: bop, chop, cop, crop, drop, flop, fop, hop, lop, mop, plop, pop, prop, shop, slop, sop, stop, swap, top, whop. Group 11: blink, brink, chink, clink, dink, drink, fink, gink, shink, slink, stink, think, ink, kink, link, mink, pink, rink, sink, wink, zinc. Group 12: kip, quip, scrip, strip, blip, chip, clip, dip, drip, flip, grip, gyp, hip, lip, nip, pip, rip, ship, sip, slip, snip, tip, trip, whip, yip, zip. Group 13: bleet, cheat, cleat, fleet, greet, pleat, sheet, skeet, sleet, street, suite, sweet, teat, treat, tweet, wheat, beat, beef, eat, feat, feet, heat, meat, meet, mete, neat, peat, seat. Group 14: been, bin, chin, din, fin, gin, grin, in, inn, kin, pin, shin, sin, skin, spin, thin, tin, twin, win. Group 15: chill, drill, frill, grill, mil, nil, quill, rill, shill, skill, spill, still, swill, trill, twill, bill, dill, fill, gill, hill, ill, kill, mill, pill, sill, till, will. Group 16: dap, hap, pap, scrap, strap, cap, chap, clap, flap, gap, knap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, slap, snap, tap, trap, wrap, yap, zap. Group 17: blank, clank, crank, drank, flank, frank, plank, prank, shank, spank, stank, thank, bank, dank, hand, rank, sank, tank, yank. Group 18: dram, flam, gam gram, jamb, lam, pram, scram, sham, tram, wham, am, cam, clam, cram, dam, ham, jam, lamb, ram, slam, swam, tam, wham, yam. Group 19: bloat, dote, float, gloat, groat, mot, mote, quote, rote, shote, smote, stoat, wrote, boat, coat, goat, moat, note, oat, tote, vote. Group 20: bitt, chit, flit, grit, rit, split, sprit, twit, whit, writ, zit, bit, fit, hit, it, kit, knit, lit, mitt, nit, pit, quit, sit, slit, spit, wit. Group 21: afar, bazaar, caviar, char, czar, gar, par, spar, tsar, are, bar, car, far, jar, mar, scar, star, tar. Group 22: bring, cling, ding, fling, ping, sling, spring, sting, swing, thing, ting, zing, ming, bing, king, ring, sing, wing. Group 23: bough, brow, chow, dhow, dow, frau, frow, prow, row scow, thou, bow, cow, how, now, ow, plow, sow, vow, wow. Group 24: bleak, chic, creak, creek, eke, freak, greek, leek, meek, peak, pique, reek, shiek, sleek, sneak, speak, tweak, wreak, beak, leak, peed, seek, teak, weak, week. Group 25: aisle, bile, build, isle, smile, stile, style, vile, while, wile, dial, file, mile, pile, rile, tile, vial. Group 26: bass, brace, chase, grace, mace, place, space, trace, vase, ace, base, case, face, lace, pace, race. Group 27: blown, clone, crone, drone, flown, groan, grown, hone, known, phone, pone, prone, roan, shone, shown, stone, bone, cone, loan, lone, moan, mown, own, sewn, sown, tone, zone. Group 28: bade, brad, cad, chad, forehead, plaid, shad, ad, add, bad, clad, dad , fad, gad, glad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad, tad. Group 29: afraid, blade, braid, cade, frayed, glade, grade, hayed, laid, layed, shade, spade, staid, stayed, suede, trade, aid, bade, jade, laid, made, maid, paid, raid. Group 30: crag, fag, jag, lag, mag, scrag, shag, slag, stag, swag, bag, brag, drag, flag, gag, hag, nag, rag, sag, snag, tag, wag. Group 31: black, clack, crack, clack, knack, quack, shack, slack, snack, stack, track, whack, wrack, back, hack, jack, lack, pack, rack, sac, sack, tac, tack, yack, yak. Group 32: brave, crave, drave, grave, knave, nave, shave, slave, stave, wave. Group 33: bread, dread, shred, stead, zed, bed, bred, dead, fed, fled, head, lead, led, red, read, said, shed, sled, sped, tred, wed. Group 34: breeze, fleas, flees, fress, freeze, knees, lees, please, seize, tease, tees, these, trees, bees, ease, fees, keys, peas, seas, teas. Group 35: clear, queer, spear, steer, weir, beer, dear, deer, ear, fear, gear, hear, here, jeer, leer, mere, near, peer, pier, rear, sear, tear, tier, veer, year. Level 2 Words Group 1: dine, fine, line, mine, nine, pine, sign, vine, wine, brine, decline, define, shine, sine, spine, spline, stein, swine, thine, tine, trine, twine, whine. Group 2: buff, cuff, huff, muff, puff, bluff, chuff, duff, enough, fluff, gruff, rough, ruff, scuff, snuff, stuff, tough. Group 3: boot, cute, hoot, loot, lute, mute, root, suit, toot, brute, butte, chute, coot, flute, fruit, moot, newt, route, scoot, shoot, snoot, toot. Group 4: bean, been, keen, lean, mean, seen, teen, wean, clean, dean, glean, green, lein, mien, peen, preen, queen, scene, sheen, spleen. Group 5: bash, cash, dash, lash, mash, rash, sash, ash, brash, clash, crash, fash, flash, gash, gnash, hash, pash, plash, slash, smash, stash, thrash, trash. Group 6: ache, bake, cake, fake, lake, make, rake, sake, take, wake, brake, break, drake, flake, jake, quake, shake, slake, snake, stake, steak. Group 7: blur, burr, fir, fur, her, slur, spur, stir, were, cur, myrrh, per, purr, shir, sir, whir. Group 8: awe, caw, draw, flaw, gnaw, jaw, law, paw, raw, saw, thaw, chaw, craw, daw, slaw, straw, yaw. Group 9: cock, dock, hock, lock, mock, rock, sock, block,clock, crock, clock, flock, frock, jock, knock, loch, pick, roc, shock, smock, stock, wok. Group 10: kick, lick, nick, pick, sick, tic, tick, wick, brick, chick, click, crick, click, hick, prick, quick, rick, sic, slick, snick, stick, thick. Group 11: cope, hope, lope, mope, rope, soap, antelope, dope, elope, grope, nope, ope, pope, scope, slope, taupe, telescope, tope, trope. Group 12: deal, eel, feel, heal, heel, meal, peal, peel, real, reel, seal, veal, appeal, conceal, creel, keel, kneel, reveal, speed, spiel, steal, steel, teal, wheel, zeal. Group 13: folk, joke, oak, poke, soak, toke, woke, bloke, broke, choke, cloak, coak, coke, croak, smoke, spoke, stoke, toque, yoke, yolk. Group 14: bowl, coal, goal, hole, mole, pole, poll, role, roll, sole, soul, to!ll, bole, cole, dole, droll, foal, knoll, poll, shoal, stole, stroll, tole, troll, vole, whole. Group 15: clod, cod, god, nod, pod, rod, shod, sod, trod, wad, baud, broad, fraud, laud. Group 16: buys, dies, dyes, guys, lies, pies, rise, size, ties, wise, cries, dries, eyes, flies, fries, guise, plies, pries, prize, sighs, skies, spies, sties, tries. Group 17: bent, cent, dent, lent, rent, sent, tent, vent, went, assent, blent, crescent, event, gent, invent, meant, pent, repent, resent, scent, spent. Group 18: bare, bear, care, dare fair, fare, hair, hare, heir, lair, mare, pair, pare, pear, rare, tare, tear, ware, wear, air, blare, chair, flair, flare, glare, scare, snare, spare, stair, stare, swear, their, there, where. Group 19: cain, cane, gain, lain, lane, main, mane, pain, pane, rain, rein, sane, vain, vane, vein, wane, bane, brain, chain, crane, deign, drain, fain, feighn, grain, plain, plane, reign, slain, spain, stain, swain, tain, thane, train.